- wrap sweater;jersey;cardigan: clockhouse (C&A)
- shirt;camiseta;chemise: ZARA
- belt;cinturon;ceinture: LEVIS
- scarf;panuelo;echarpe: gift/regalo/cadeu

A quick stop at Dunkin Donuts was much needed in order to satisfy my incredible craving for their delicious white hot chocolate. And I also just really like the smell of coffee shops. It's soothing and relaxing, apres moi.
I just quickly pulled this outfit together and walked out the door!
SPANISH: Tenia unos antojos increibles por tomar uno de mis cafes favorito; sellama el "chocolate blanco" de dunkin donuts; un conocido sitio para tomar cafe americano. Me apetecia mogollon, y tambien es que me encanta el olor a cafe. Me relaja muchisimo, no se yo por que! Y bueno, en fin, este fue lo que me puse para salir por la puerta y satisfacer mi antojo por un cafecito!
FRENCH: J'ai envie pour un cafe qui s'appelle "chocolat blanc" de Dunkin Donuts et ca c'est le tenue qui je m'habille pour aller a acheter un cafe pour moi!
I love the scarf!
I'm a sucker for Latte :D
love the print on your scarf.
btw i saw that your favorite band is cobra starship. I FUCKING LOVE THEM haha
want to trade links?
I agree; the print is beautiful.
I'm a straight coffee gal. A little soy milk, maybe a little sugar, depends on the mood. I've wasted so much money on coffee this school year!
Thanks for the comment, yeh sure, I've added you :)
Que combinacion de colores mas bonita te has puesto, a mi me gusta el cafe con leche de toda la vida :-) y ademas lo tomo en cantidades industriales
Un beso!
Muchas gracias por visitar mi blog y dejar tu huella en él..espero q sigas haciéndolo! :P
i love the smell of coffee shops, too. i prefer teas over coffee but i do like illy coffee.
your layering is fantastic!
That scarf is amazing!
Oh my gosh amazing scarf! I seriously love it!
I'm already obsessed with hot chocolate as it is.. now white hot chocolate sounds ridiculously delicious!
love the scarf. thanks for your comment.the lamp is from ikea.
about coffee-
i like it black with cold water- so i can drink a cup at once..
in spanish: cual es vuestro cafe favorito
i know translators are the shittiest thing in universe! hehehehe
great layering, love the scarf!!! not a big fan of coffee, but occassional latte with mocha :)
ps:thanks for stopping by!!
The scarf is awesome!
And, the boldest and the blackest coffee is perfection to me.
P.S. Thanks for being the first (of someone i don't actually know) to comment! It made my day haha :).
I love how scarves are great to polish off many looks!
:D Have a nice week!
Gorgeous scarf!!
I like my coffee milky and sugary =]
Que chulo el modelo!! Es precioso el pañuelo.
Mi café preferido es el capuccino, m... con su espumita...
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