Today definitely was not one of those autumn days were it is absolutely necessary to bundle up. I could actually stay outside for a while in just this short sleeved cardigan just fine. It was absolutely perfect.
I really hate the wind, seeing how it's quickening up the process of the leaves falling out of the trees is just so sad. The leaves look absolutely beautiful and there's nothing I hate more about trees then when they're naked! I love them to be adorned in their beautiful multi-colored leaves.

shirt;chemise;camiseta: h&m
jeans;vaqueros: x2
belt;ceinture;cinturon: vintage
bracelets;pulseras: self made, h&m, disney world
necklace;collar;collier: vintage
shoes;chaussures; zapatos: born
thank you for your comment! halloween is pretty awesome with the costumes and the free candies. haha.
yeah i think i am going to go with alice in the wonderland. lol since i already got everything for it. lol.
& nothing really been dormant for a while with all my blogs because im lazy, tired and been setting up my sewing studio. :) you?
natalie :)
Thanks for the comment!
Love your jeans!
How cute, you're wearing green shoes! :) I need more non-black shoes.
me encanta tu cinturón vintage!!
y el verde de tu chaqueta!! mis pantalones son iguales!
Me gusto mucho tu look muy colorido y el cinto, yo odio el frio y el viento! Yo ha destrozado una chaqueta intento aprender a coser jajaj
Muchas gracias por pasarte por mi blog, te agrego :-)
Un beso!
I like that cardigan, especially the color.
gorgeous photos, love the trees as a backdrop! i don't really consider myself a "journalist" anymore (now I focus on the website, and writing a novel), since I try to stay away from working for newspapers or other publications. At one time I was with rolling Stone,
that is great you are interested in writing. lets exchange links and stay in touch.
you look so cute. and so kind
the days of autumn are the best of the year ... on purpose I love the way you dress ... you should take a page out of fashion . I generic viagra want to invite you to a some great page .. bye
hi again... great job
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