Perfect Friday. I felt beautiful and feminine...and a bit like my my fashion idol, Rachel Zoe. Between the curled hair with the two strands pulled back, a gloriouslywarm faux fur jacket, an oversized ring, and a vintage designer bag (FURLA!) not to mention the fact that I went around high end designer shops... I felt amazing.
My mom and I did a little shopping in upstate New York. It was a beautiful evening. One woman at the UGG store asked my mom and I if were were sisters!! Haha! And she was like, "You too are so unbelievably beautiful, and you both have SUCH great skin!" We were both very flattered, what can we say? The woman complimenting us was super adorable and we thanked her and told her she was too cute!

When I walked into Chanel one girl who worked there had the CUTESTTTTT black button-up cardigan with a chanel emblem on it. I fell in love with it. I asked her if it was for sale, yet to my luck it was actually their UNIFORM!! So then (of course) I asked them what criteria they looked at in order to work at Chanel. (I've always wanted to work there actually, so now I just have more of a reason to cause I want that super cute uniform!)

SPANISH: Un dia de compras magnifico! Me senti como rachel zoe. No se si la conocerais pero es una estilista americana super famosa que suele llevar el pelo ondulado con dos trozos pa' tras, gigantescas chaquetas de piel, anillos y gafas de sol maxi, y suele pasearse por las tiendas mas caras y reconocidas. Habia mogollon de espanoles comprando cosas de marca como locos y claro lo menos que se creian es que mi madre y yo los entendiamos y mimadre y yo nos partiamos de la risa con las cosas que decian! Un dia perfecto para terminar la semana. Me senti super femenina. Y una mujer se nos acerco a mi madre y a mi y nos pregunto si eramos hermanas!!!! Jajaja! Despues nos dijo que eramos guapisimas y que teniamos un cutis super fino. Nosotras encantadisimas, claro! Nos lo pasamos fenomenal!
FRENCH: Vedredi était un jour des achats. Je me suis senti beau et féminin. ma maman et moi sommes allées à beaucoup de magasins et avons acheté deux ou trois choses. J'ai eu un jour splendide ! dans un magasin un femme a demandé à ma maman et moi si nous étions soeurs ! Alors elle nous a dit que nous étions très beaux et que nous avons eu beaux peau!
love your fur boots ! so cute!!
bueno y tenia razón!!! you look soo beatiful!!!!
won't you take me shoping with youu???
Nice big ring!
well you look supercute. lovely hair
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