a nice fall day today. breezy yet sunny with a comfortable 67 degrees....71 tomorrow!!! so in this quickly alternating and awkward transitioning of seasons I decided to try for the first time: the tights and shorts combination. i gave these beautiful, versatile h&m shorts one last hurrah! before packing them away till next spring. paired with some sheer black tights to keep the bottom portion simmered down. a ruffled yellow shirt.... and some precious gold accessories I tied the entire look together.

detailing of ezra fitch cashmere sweater and primark yellow ruffle shirt

obsessed with anything nautical
shirt/camiseta/chemise: primark
cashmere sweater/jersey/pullover: ezra fitch (a&f)
shorts/pantalones cortos/pantalons: H&M
bracelet/pulsera/bracelete: gift from mommy
headband/diadema/diademe: h&m
ballet flats/bailarinas/chaussures: primark
earrings/pendientes/boucles d'oreilles: chanel
SPANISH: El periodo de la transicion entre el verano y el otono nunca es facil de conllevar, y hoy hoy trate de usar una prenda de verano por ultima vez hasta la proxima primavera. Hizo un dia perfecto para esta llevar medias con pantalones cortos y por la primera vez, prove la combinacion de ambas prendas juntas...el resultado? me encanto!
FRENCH: Il y a des temps de change et pendant que le feuilles changent des couleures je m'habille avec vetements qui sont de l'ete et de l'automne. Aujourd'hui c'est le jour parfait por ma tenue, et j'aime l'automneee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Qué pulsera más ideal!!!
That bracelet is gorgeous!
Thank you for the comment and for linking me, I will def be linking you back :)
bracelet makes me drool
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