First picture from last week. Second picture from today :)

shirt/camiseta/chemise: primark
scarf/pañuelo/écharpe: gift
jeans/vaqueros/jeans: prescribed
bracelets/pulseras/bracelets: walt disney world, target, 2 gold ones are from grandma (says my name on it!!)
blouse.blusa.chemisier: gift from mom
jeans.vaqueros.jeans: presribed
flats.zapatos.chaussures: spain
belt. cinturon. ceinture: gift from grandma!
My brother likes to take pictures of me whilst I am talking/unaware/and looking out the window at squirrels. Not embarassing or

Las fotos de arriba son de dos dias cuando opte por una vestimienta simple y sobria. De vez en cuando hay que tomar un dia de descanso y no ponerte tantas cosas encima. La simplicidad es bella. Y aunque me encaaaante vestirme con mogollon de collares y tacones superaltos y etc... se siente bien ir con vestimienta incomplicada de vez en cuando :)
De temps en temps...
Il est bon de s'habiller simplement. Autant que j'aime habiller avec beaucoup de colliers et bracelets et hauts talons ..... un tenue simpliste de temps à autre est bon.
OH your comment was so so sweet!!
I've been thinking about making a Vlog for a bit now, but the thought of it makes me quite nervous. hehe maybe I will have a couple of glasses of wine first, I might do one this week if I have time.
and yes Australia is very cool.
But hey New York!! That is really really cool too. I would love to visit there!
Love your bracelets there, and the nice simple outfit. I love a bit of pink and turquoise every now and then too! You look so cute.
Hola guapa! Nos encanta el pañuelo en estampados fuxias y combinado con la pulsera queda muy cool.
Tienes razón cuando dices que la simplicidad es bella, lo pero que se puede hacer es recargarse, siempre hay q dar protagonismo a alguna prenda o a accesorio, todo a la vez no. 1 Beso!
Lovely looks. The cardigan in the second one is especially nice.
About my study abroad program: It's BCA Abroad (which is a Christian organization). It's not cheap, but it includes housing and food. It's about the same price as being at my university for a semester and my scholarships to that college also apply to this program. I'm not certain a person can do the program individually, or their university has to be associated with it.
Good luck, I hope you get a chance to study abroad.
Simple does it sometimes! Like you, I love accessories, but to be refined and put together in a simple chic manner, is always refreshing to see! Cute outfits!
And thank you so much for your comment, you're too sweet! Will have to consider that book idea for some day! ;)
me encaaaanta la camisa en el primero!!
y si sales tan guapa cuando miras a las ardillas... por qué va a ser vergonzoso??
un besitoo
Love the details on the top :) I love your bright colored cardigans!
que guapita cariño
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