Apres checking weather.com yesterday night and seeing how extreme the temperatures were going to drop today (with frost alert from 3-9 in the morning!) I immediately thought of only exceptionally warm and cozy clothes.
Bundling up was my main priority and as I was sifting through hangers worth of cardigans and sweatshirts I came across this favorite of mine that my grandma bought me last year in December. The adjustable neck comes in super handy in case of emergency to act as a scarf for my neck and ears; and the tie makes it form fitting. All in all, I LOVE. One of my favorite pieces of warm sweaters.

cardigan/jersey/cardigan: gift from grandma, regalo de mi abuela, cadeau de ma grandmere
shirt/camiseta/chemise: primark
jeans/vaqueros/pantalons: bongo
shoes/zapatos/chaussures: ??
earrings/pendientes/boucles d'oreilles: chanel
watch/reloj/montre: guess
ring/anillo: gift

I'm an awesome jumper. Aaaand, I can do splits in mid-air. True story, folks.

SPANISH: Bajaron las temperaturas y con esa excusa pude sacar este jersey (un favorito mio por lo abrigado y comodo que es) del armario....finalmente! Es tan versatil que siempre se siente como que voy a embarcar en una nueva aventura en cuanto pienso con que ponermelo. Prendas asi son las que de verdad merecen la pena comprar!!
FRENCH: Il y'avait froid et pour cette raison je peux m'habiller avec vetements qui sont tres confortable et...chaud :P
que guapa eres.
I love cardigan sweaters!! Yours is so cute on, too. Wishing it would get colder.
I made you laugh out loud in class?? Aw. Happy to oblige! ;)
xo/ fashion chalet
Oh I love that your cardigan has short sleeves, and how you put the red underneath to give it a pop of color! :)
And thank you so much for your sweet comment, I'm so glad you like my blog! :)
I love jackets and tights for fall! How cute are those shoes!
such a cute sweater.
my favorite piece is probably my new free people coat ;p but i really couldn't just pick one, i love tights and scarves and jackets and everything about fall!
I'm a cardi girl all the way, they're perfect for that kind of weather. I loved that yours had short sleeves!
At the moment I'm wearing my black tights all the time. They're comfortable & look nice with knitted dresses.
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