Soon the whole class was just shooting compliments at me while I was holding my dripping wet photo enlargements haha.
It started off my day just great. I don't think people realize the power a simple compliment has towards me. It can make my day go from wonderful. It's a total mood changer for me, and I am so thankful for all the nice people at my school (as well as on this blog) that give me compliments... you would never guess how much I appreciate them.

Anyway, later on I got home and Teen Vogue had arrived. What a beautiful ending to a great week!

- shirt.camisa.chemisier: calvin klein
- ruffled top. blusa con volantes. chemise avec ruches(?) : zara
- jeans.vaqueros.jeans: lucky brand jeans
- necklace. collar. collier: vintage
- golden bracelets. pulseras doradas. bracelets d'oreilles: ralph lauren
- belt.cinturon.ceinture: vintage

You can't really tell in these pictures but this Zara shirt has really awesome ruffles!
No se ve muy bien en estas fotos, pero esta blusa de Zara tiene unos volantes preciosos!
Je sais que vous ne le pouvez voir dans cettes photos, mais cette chemise de Zara a ruches tres belles! (aussi, pour mes lectrices qui parlent le francais et l'anglais...le mot "ruches" c'est le mot juste pour le mot anglais "ruffles?" haha je ne suis pas certain!)

In other news, tomorrow I am heading upstate to visit Binghamton University in northern New York. I am bundling up because it's about a thousand degrees colder up there! This is the second university I am visiting so far this year. I can only imagine that a year and a half from now I will be accepted into a university and posting it here. Gosh, that seems so surreal! Where will I go? Will I stay in New York? Will I go out-of-state? Will I go to a European school? This whole process is daunting and scary but at the same time exciting and crazy!
May I please stay in high school forever?
Hoy ha sido un viernes fantastico. Empeze el dia con mi profesora de fotografia diciendome como le gustaba mi vestimentia a diario y en cuanto la escucho el resto de la clase todo el mundo empezo a decirme, "Si, es verdad, tienes un estilazo!" y, "Si, yo tambien me he dado cuenta que vistes muy bien!" No creo que la gente reconoce lo agradecida que soy en cuanto la gente me da piropos de ese tipo. Un simple, "Me encanta tu outfit!" me pone de super buen humor. Me cambia el dia entero! Asi que gracias a todas las que tomais el tiempo de dejarme comments tan bonitos! Os lo agradezco mogollon, de verdad! Cambiando de tema, manana me voy al norte de Nueva York a mirar una Universidad, Binghamton. Me vuelve loca pensar que en un año y medio me habran acceptado en una universidad...cual sera? Me quedare en Nueva York? Ire a otro estado? Cruzare el atlantico para ir a una escuela europea? Uff, este proceso me fascina pero al mismo tiempo me da mucho miedo!
Me puedo quedar en high school (bachillerato) para toda la vida, por favor?
Aujourd'hui était un beau jour. Mon prof de photographie m'a dit qu'elle a aimé comment je m'habille. Alors ma classe entière me donnait des compliments sur mon modèle ! Elle m'a obtenu dans une bonne humeur ! Les gens ne réalisent pas combien j'apprécie des compliments ! Merci ! Et merci à tout le gens ce qui prennent le temps de m'écrire un gentil commentaire !
Demain j'irai à New York nordique pour visiter l'université de Binghamton. Je ne peux pas croire que dans une année et demie je serai accepté dans une université ! Où irai-je ? Est-ce que je resterai à New York ? Est-ce que j'irai à un autre état ? Est-ce que j'irai à une école européenne ? Wow, ce processus est très effrayant mais amusement !
Mais, est-ce que je peux rester à mon école pour tout la vie?
you do have lovely style dear. good luck with your university search process.
wow, english, spanish, & french?! impressive, to say the least! and you do have great style. i esp. love your red & gold necklace.
Pues claro que tienes muy buen gusto vistiendo y la combinacion azul/rojo me encanta muy wapa!
Un beso!
Hola guapa! Una vez más muy guapa, muy buen combinación azul klein+rojo. Y si, la blusa de volantes no se ve muy bien pero tiene muy buena pinta, ya nos la ensañaras mejor.
Que te gustaría estudiar? Nos hubiede fascinado haber estudiado en EE.UU. No desaproveches esta oportunidad y trabaja duro.
madre mia vaya trabajo para escribir el blog en tres idiomas,!!
gracias por pasarte :D
la teen vogue es genial
thank you so much :)
you do have great style and i am seriously amazed that you can speak 3 languages!!
could we trade links please?
One little compliment can completely change my mood
red and gold always go together.
teen vogue(L)
You look very cute, love the color combination!
You totally deserved those compliments! You DO have amazing style <3
i love reading that magazine too !!
little compliments do make such a big difference sometime! great outfit!
it makes me so happy when teachers/professors compliment my outfits. i get sort of embarrassed when people my own age compliment me though. i'm not sure why.
ps. i absolutely love your accessories!
I agree! You have a great style!
Yes, just like the others I agree that you have a great style. And I love the accessories you're wearing!
Aw I know what you mean, some sincere and kind words can really make you feel so good! :) And really do have good style, was just catching up with some of your previous posts, and oh, so many cute outfits! <3
Thanks also for your comment, you're so sweet, and it puts ME in a good mood to know that my blog puts YOU in a good mood! :D
thank you :)
and how cool?! i'm going to learn spanish next year when i go to college and i can't wait!!
ok thanks, i'll add you know honey! :)
love the red, cute!
thanks for stopping by dear!!! :)
i love ur style, it ROCKS!!!
refresh my drink on how u speak 3 languages fluently?
Aww, thank you so much for your lovely comment! I can't remember if I've already mentioned it, but it's really cool that your blog is multilingual! I like to read the French post to practice. :)
compliments brighten my day as well :) just the fact that someone takes the time to tell you something sweet means a lot :)
that said, you really do have wonderful style and i'm glad you know it!
Love the red and the blue, and what an amazing necklace!
Good luck with the 'ol university searching!
I wish I was still in primary school!
I love getting home and snuggling down with a new issue of a magazine, so relaxing. And I love your necklace =]
cute outfit
love the red details
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