You buy it in June anticipating the days to come when you simply run out of style creativity and need a quick thing to just pull over your body. It turns out to be your go-to outfit during the excruciatingly hot July and August days when you need something lightweight to put on.

Yet as the cooler months roll around that sweet and simple dress is no longer appropriate for the colder weather. As much as you love the dress you accept the let-down and see to the fact that you will not be able to wear this dress again until next summer.
WRONG! You can always adapt your summer dresses to work in the fall and winter!
In my case, I added my favorite ZARA cardigan and warm, woolly stockings to keep myself bundled up whilst still being able to sport my favorite summer dress!

- dress.vestido.robe: ZARA
- cardigan.jersey.cardigan: ZARA
- belt.cinturon.ceinture: VINTAGE
- shoes.zapatos.chaussures: PRIMARK
- bracelet.pulsera.bracelet: H&M

VOILA!!! What a transformation!
SPANISH: Nunca dudeis que no vais a poder poneros vuestros vestidos veraniegos favoritos durante los meses frios!! Siempre se puede transformar la ropa para que valga para todas las epocas! En este caso, escoji mi vestido favorito de ZARA que use mogollon durante el verano y lo combine con mi jersey alargado favorito de ZARA y unas medias super calentitas. Lista para salir al frio polar de Nueva York jaja! ;)
FRENCH: C'etait vraiment possible que vous pouvait porter votre vestementes preferes de l'ete pendant l'hiver!!! Seulement ajoute-la une simple cardigan et une ceinture et voila!! Tres facile et vous serez comfortable pour l'hiver dans votre robe préférée d'été!!
Also, I've gotten many compliments on how beautiful the scenery is where I take my pictures. Thanks! It's my backyard ahahah. I'm sorta limited as to where to shoot my pictures because I come home from school exhausted and force my mom to come take pictures of me outside. (She is such an angel!) SO yeah, thanks for complimenting our landscaping, woohoo!!
He recibido unos cuantos comentarios diciendo que que bonito es el lugar donde saco mis fotos. GRACIAS!! Es la parte de atras de mi casa jajaja. Cuando llego a casa de la escuela estoy super cansada y no tengo a donde ir asi que obligo a mi madre que salga afuera a sacarme unas fotitos. (Ella es un angel por soportarme tooooodos los dias a sacarme fotos por aqui y fotos por alla...) . Y mucha gente piensa que Nueva York es solo ciudad! Manhattan no es el estado entero! New York tiene unos paisajes tremendos y tengo la suerte de poder vivir tan cerca de la ciudad (solamente cojo el trencito) y tambien de poder disfrutar de la vida tranquila en las afueras y poder ver los cierbos y zorros pasar caminando por la ventana de mi cocina mientras como jaja. En fin, gracias, jajaa!
J'ai reçu plusieurs commentaires que le paysage où je prends mes photos est très beau ! merci ! c'est mon jardin ! haha. New York n'est pas simplement Manhattan ! il a le grand paysage aussi !
Muy buena idea usar el vestido de verano para el frio estas muy wapa y me encanta como lo has combinado, yo tambien soy de las que pensaban que Manahatan eran rascacielos y todo lleno de gente jaja
Un beso!
Angela, estoy intentando conectarme al Blogroll, sabes como se pone el icono en el blog?? Explicame por favor qué hay q hacer para instalarlo!!
que lindo tu vestido zara aparte lei que el color morado y fucsia se llevan si muy linda que suerte tienes de vivir aya es muy lindo yo no conzco solo veo atavez de la fotos y me imagino j.
cute. i like layering so i can wear summer dresses.
esos zapatos de primark los vi! y me encantaron! un besazo:) muaaks!
i'm loving tights right now! i try to wear them everyday!
que increible vestido!! good look!!!
cute blog.
im loving tights with everything, shorts, summer dresses, skirts, even alone with a white v neck. there my fall fashion must-have lol.
great post.
You've styled the dress so well!
Great look!
the ruffle at the the top i like. it's great that you wore the belt outside the cardigan
your blog is an awesome language lesson! also i love the two toned flats in the first picture. i am all about adding tights to summer dresses. beautiful!
Beautiful dress. I love the way you've belted the Cardigan over it. So chic. :)
And thank you for your lovely comment, my dear...
the dress and cardigan is a very good combo
awww this is terribly cute. i still love that you write in two languages and your whole blog is really just nice overall :)
it is a rose :) and thank you very much :) I love your outfit in this post, I like wearng my summer dresss in winter too :)
Take Care!!
oh you did such a wonderful job transforming it from summer to winter :) i love the color of that dress!
and in regards to your comment on my blog thanks :) and also nope not my horses BUT i always wanted one :( but they're about 200 meters from my house so it is quite wonderful :)
You are sooo creative..! I love your outfit.
That dress is too cute, and I love how you've belted the cardigan over it!
Great advice!! It's very cool idea!! Love your dress...
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