Lately I'd been slightly frothing at the mouth at how many bloggers where sporting all these beautiful short, "camille" like skirts (only with strong patterns instead of solid colors) and wanted to try it out myself. Only I didn't really own any strong statement pattern short skirts.

So I improvised. I folded up a beautiful dress my grandma bought me as a gift when I arrived to Spain this past summer and paired with a yellow ruffled top, some woolly tights and finalized the look with a thick pink belt.
It's great to include random pops of vibrant color in these cold wintery days. (Incidentally, I had to FREEZE MY BUTT OFF to take these pictures.) Oh, the crazy things us bloggers do to get a good picture, am I right?

By the way...December!? Seriously, already?! I can't believe I've been in this school for this long already.
SPANISH: Estaba viendo que por muchos blogs (de moda, claro) las chicas llevaban falditas al estilo "camille" pero en vez de en colores solidos, tenian estampados preciosos y muy llamativos. Al repasar mi armario no encontré ninguna falda que cumplia esos requisitos...asi que improvisé! Doblé un vestido que me regalo mi abuela este verano al llegar a España, hasta que era la medida deseada, lo conjunte con una blusa "babera" amarilla, anadi unas medias de lana gorda, y para terminar el look, un cinturon fuschia.
FRENCH: J'avais vu dans beaucoup de blogs de mode que beaucoup de filles portaient petits jupes (comme camille) excepte au lieu de dans des couleurs pleines, ils ai eu de belles conceptions dans ses jupes. J'ai regardé ma garde-robe pour voir si j'avais des jupes comme cela et moi ne faisions pas. Ainsi. J'ai improvisé ! ! J'ai plié une jupe que ma grand-maman m'avait donné cet été passé, j'ajoute une chemise jaune avec ruches, des collants, et une ceinture pour finir le regard. Voila ! Regarder ma nouvelle jupe!
- jacket.chaquetita.veste: anne carson
- shirt.blusa.chemisier: primark
- belt.cinturon.ceinture: gift,regalo, cadeau (grandma)
- tights.medias.collants: woolworth
- shoes.zapatos.chaussures: primark
Ya jeje, yo también me quedaría con el de Rachel Zoe, pero dije el de Mariah Carey por la cantidad de zapatos q tiene y lo bien ordenaditos q están *.*
El estampado de esa falda es muy Gucci ;)
ay esos zapatos......me encantan!!!!
gracias por tu comment
Me han encantado los zapatos ;)http://www.missurbanita.com/
Que buena idea! te ha quedado muy bien la falda con esos zapatos y el abrigo rosa muy wapa!
Un beso!
haha yea i know exactly what you mean but its soo nice staying warm in bedd!
loving the pink girlie!!
beibii pero que falda más bonita!! y ese color de la chaquetaaa uno de is favoritos!!
ese tipo de faldas me pierden
unbesiito :)
oh its so cute and colorful!
really stylish! i love that skirt!!!
I love the jacket! There aren't many people who can pull of that kind of pink. But you sure can! And I know the feeling of freezing your butt off, just for a good picture! I did it yesterday and my pictures even turned out as crap
tengo una chaqueta parecida en rojo pero apenas me la pongo :(
un besiito.
la combinacion de la falda con esas medias te ha quedado perfect, perfect!!
tu eres de las mías, dándole un poco de color al invierno!
Pink is the new black:)
Hola!! gracias por tu post! y por decirme k salgo guapa! jejeje :_D
Me alegra que te guste la musica! a que cancion te refieres con la cantante? asi la busco a ver si me gusta mas y la pongo! jeje
Un besito!! nos vemos!! ^^
Ala pues he estado buscando y no encuentro esta cancion cantada por edith :s
Pero bueno pink martini me encanta tambien ^^
Omg it's pink and I love it! <33 haha
Thank you for the comment you left me - I commented back on my own blog (Im too lazy to retype the whole story, haha)
ahhh!! vale vale, ahora te entiendo xD
Pues que raro que ponga lo de Edith, yo esque como no sabia de quieen era el nombre pues creia que seria el titulo del disco o algo, no conozco a esa cantante ^^
Un beso!!!
That skirt is to die for! How cool that you translate your blog posts into three different languages! By the way, I am linking you!!
darling your improvised skirt is lovely! like pink on you,your are so pretty dear.
hey thanks for stopping by my blog!
i didnt know where else to comment you back so im just writing here...yes Australia has winter, and as for whether it gets cold but it really depends where you however our winter is nothing compared the countries on the other side of the world, it doesnt snow 24/7.
have a great day!!
Ugh, yes. Unfortunately it is not summer anymore. But I love winter accessories! you look adorable<3
I love this outfit! The colours are so bold and vibrant and your jacket is adorable - the perfect shade of pink!
Hehe my word verification is coldr :)
pretty in pink!
u r so beautiful. u suit these colours so much ! really stunning
Es preciosa tanta combinación de color. Muy imaginativo tu look. Un beso
like a lady!
a kiss girl!
Holaa!!! como me ha gustado tu blog.... chan chann
te he nominado!!! jejeje.
Un besote!
PINK FLORAL YELLOW! You pull it off so perfectly!
You look so sweeeet in pink :)
Tu es trop jolie!
Barock & Roll
Estos zapatos son una monada!
Ay super inventiveness with the dress, its so bright and colourful and goes perfectly with those shoesss, I <3 them!
I wish I could find something as bright as this to make my day cheery :)
A lot of pink! Sweet :D
You look so CUTE!!!
I love all the pops of pink! By the way, you've been tagged!!! Check my blog!
You're just so lovely, adorable.
Gorgeous color on you...
your pink coat is perfection. and the color looks amazing on you!
the pink is fabulous, and good for you for being innovative! It worked out really well :)
Hola Angela!
gracias por visitarme!
Me gusta tu chaqueta,tengo devoción por este color.
Muchos besos!
I love pink.
Hi! How are you? I was looking at your photos and I asked myself how old are you, because I think that you are young like me :) Kisses! :) Nice skirt!
Such a bright and fun look, love it!!
Ahhh, you are sweet :)))
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