Especially CASUAL FRIDAYS! By this last day of the school week my body is drained of creative juices and I'm too exhausted and unoriginal to pull together a great, over-the-top and classy outfit.
So I excuse my feet from heels, and give my tights and skirts a break....and just concentrate on my comfort for once. This Friday, after a lengthy loneliness, I decided to pull out my comfy Nike Shox. My friends were all surprised I was sporting sneakers, ahah. They thought I was possibly coming down with something since I am usually somewhat overdressed for school.

cardigan: primark
shirt/camiseta/chemise: zara
earrings/pendientes/boucles d'oreilles: chanel
jeans/vaqueros/jeans: x2
watch/reloj/montre: guess
sneakers/zapatos/chaussures sportifs: nike

Tomorrow I'm going to graciously gander at the Rockefeller tree and relish in the beauty of New York City during Christmastime.
They just lit the enormous tree two days ago so it is going to be PACKED around that area! Oh well, I'm used to the hubba bubba of the city. Gawrsh, I LOVE NEW YORK. Could I ever leave this place? I think not.
They just lit the enormous tree two days ago so it is going to be PACKED around that area! Oh well, I'm used to the hubba bubba of the city. Gawrsh, I LOVE NEW YORK. Could I ever leave this place? I think not.
SPANISH: Quando llega viernes, estoy tan cansada y sin nada de inspiracion ni originalidad y siempre procuro vestirme teniendo en mente mi comodidad. Asi que me puse mis Nikes Shox (mis amigas creian que me pasaba algo porque siempre voy vestida mas "formal".) ...y a terminar la semana!
Por cierto, hace dos dias encendieron el arbol de ROCKEFELLER asi que mañana me paso para verlo. Me encanta Manhattan en las Navidades....hay magia en el aire! Ah, TE QUIERO, NUEVA YORK! Nunca te podria dejar!
FRENCH: Tout les vendredis je suis fatigué. Je n'ai aucune créativité ou inspiration pour mes tenus ainsi je m'habille confortablement. J'ai mis dessus mon Nike Shox. Mes amis ont pensé que j'étais malade parce que j'habille toujours plus formel. Haha
Aussi, Il y a deux jours ils ont allumé l'arbre de rockefeller. Demain que j'irai passer près pour le voir. Je t'aime New York !
sweetie you look cute in pink.like your jeans.have a good wknd ok
muah x
ur parents have a really nice kitchen. hahaha
haha, thank you sweetie :) it does kinda remind me of that too actually!
and cool casual outfit, i love your mug :)
omg, i am sooo jealous of you living in new york! I neeeeeed to go there!!
Hola! A Pau tb le encanta Alexa Chung. Me encanta ese modelo de nike, son las mejores para correr y para el gim! L a boina es monísima, te queda muy muy bien.
Haz fotos del árbol y cuelgalas para q lo podamos ver "más de cerca"
xoxo. Diana.
thanks for your comment ! i LOVE your style and your english is very very good !
a Bientot!
cute outfit girlie!
Estas muy guapa el gorrito te queda genial, yo me he comprado uno parecido a ver si me hago fotos en condiciones... besos guapa
Como me gusta el gorro! muy wapa y comoda hay dias que es como mejor se esta... yo necesito unas nike!
Un beso!
What a cute belt!!!!
Que envidia!!!
Y llevas a juego hasta la taza :P
that looks so cute!
do we want to exchange our links?
Gosh you are such a cute lady!
How good are casual fridays, I know what you mean about being too tired to put much effort in by the time you get there though.
Lovely beret!
And the Chanel earrings are such a must, they never go out of style.
well i must say you look adorable...always so pulled together! i am super envious of you living in NYC especially at christmas time!
p.s. i can't believe i haven't linked you yet, i've been soo busy with school must have slipped my mind, will do now :)
Nice hat! I've recently become addicted to them, so warm :D
Aw these pictures of you look so cute!
"LUCKY GIRL! You DO shop for labels!
That dress is TO DIE FOR."
Haha I don't only shop for labels. I came up with the title because of the song. It was originally "shopping for labels, because i've already got love" but I shortened it down. Thank you on the comment about the dress :)
So so cute! you look lovely in pink!
You look so cute in the beret! & I like all the colors you're wearing.
adoro este outfit!! es super dulce la combinacion de verde y rosa que has hecho!! y mira que me gustan poco las deportivas, pero te quedan bien y le dan un toque mas informal a tu estilo! Me encanta el gorrito y tu tirabuzoon!!! :O
very cute
i love hello kitty! you look fabulous in pink, i especially love the beret!
i want your hello kitty mug. no lie. and i kind of adore how you built your outfit around all that pink.
and spanish, french, and english?! you put me and my english to shame.
and even though i've lived in nyc my whole life, i don't think i'll ever get used to that hubba hubba in that part of the city. i prefer my howling ambulances and police cars any day over those roving tourists.
ohh i love the colour scheme!! and very cute hat :)
hope you had a restful weekend dear!
How is it possible that you are this adorable!!
Hope your weekend was fantastic.
you are SO cute!
and thankss for the comment.
ahhh love snow!
I love the colours!
ya, es q los viernes son para tomárselos de relax...porq empieza el finde!!
me gusta tu gorrito by j.lo!
yo los viernes hago un esfuerzo y me pongo un poquito de tacón, me gustan tus uñas negras, yo tb las llevo así, besos!!
you are SO absolutely LOVELY
wow, i ususally do not like this color combo but you seriously make it work. these colors look so lovely on you!
Mas fiiiino que vivas en NY....
Es una de las ciudades que debo conocer antes de morir...
te envio un beso enorme
gracias por venir a mi blog, estas invitada cuando quieras.
You look too cute for words!!!
I love your pink beanie... your belted cardigan reminds me of early Jenny Humphrey on GG Season 1... CUTE!!!
P.S. That Hello Kitty mug is just ADORABLE!
You look adorable in the first photo and I love those two colors together!!
You really look adorable in pink! And the hat is sooo cute!
Utterly adorable mug and look! I'm also quite jealous you're heading off to the winterfalls of New York. The chill factor may be extreme compared to here in Southern California, but it does sound cozy.
And in a (very late) response to a comment you made a month ago, I would love to link-exchange with you!
love the beret!
Que bien te queda la boina..ah! adoro hello kitty
Such a cute outfit!
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