It feels good to know that I helped power the ball drop last night in Times Square.
Whoulda thunk that walking into the NYC Charmin Public Restrooms would give me the opportunity to provide energy for such a memorable event as bringing in the new year in such a GREEN way? Haha, thank you bladder.
By riding this little snow machine at the Charmin Public Restrooms in NYC I helped supply energy for the balldrop. What a green way to welcome the new year, am I right?
I am suddenly overwhelmed with the feeling that I did some samaritan work or something haha.
Watching the whole thing last night with Andersoon Cooper on CNN (which by the way, sucked! I totally regret not watching Carson Daly like I usually do every year...I just can't stand that redhead who thinks she's a comedian.) it felt good to point out the fact that "I HELPED MAKE THIS NEW YEAR POSSIBLE!!" (as i fiercely exclaimed to my parents last night)

^^Charmin Public Restrooms in Times Square.
Se siente bien saber que yo ayude illuminar el balldrop ayer noche en Times Square! Solo por montarme en este snowmobile y pedalear aporte energia para facilitar la bienvenida del 2009 en Nueva York. Quien sabria que entrar en los Charmin Public Restrooms en Times Square me llevaria ha ayudar dar energia?! Ayer cuando veia la bienvenida del ano nuevo con Anderson Cooper en CNN (que por cierto estuvo acompanante peliroja cuyo nombre no me acuerdo era taaaan insoportable) ...tenia que haberlo visto con Carson Daly como hago todos los anos...
En montant cette petite machine de neige aux toilettes publiques de Charmin dans NYC j'ai aidé d'apporter l'énergie pour le balldrop. Quelle manière verte de faire bon accueil à la nouvelle année, non ?Je suis soudainement accablé avec le sentiment que j'ai fait un certain travail ou quelque chose de Samaritain haha.
On observant le New Years Eve Show la nuit dernière avec Anderson Cooper sur CNN (qui d'ailleurs, sucé ! Je regrette totalement de ne pas observer Carson Daly comme je fais habituellement chaque année… que je juste ne peux pas tenir ce roux qui pense qu'elle est une comédienne.) il s'est sentie bien de préciser le fait qui " ; J'AI AIDÉ À RENDRE CETTE NOUVELLE ANNÉE POSSIBLE ! ! " ; (comme je ai dit à mes parents la nuit dernière)
haha, parents don't understand do they?!
sounds like you had a fabulous new year! and fun photos, i love the car in the background of the last photo....PINK!!
happy new year honey
That's amazing! I had no idea they organized that in Times Square! I stayed far away from Midtown Manhatten this year:)
Happy New Year!
Wooow!! Yo quiero hacer esoo!!! ^^ Aqui en españa, como ya sabras la cuenta atrás la hacemos desde 12 y nos comemos 12 uvas (1 por cada mes del año se supone) y no sé cómo funciona el mecanismo del reloj de la Puerta del Sol pero te aseguro que no es mediante una moto de nieve :(
OMG? You helped drop the ball last night! thats freakin fantastic!
looks like u had fun!!!!
and ur father's Malibu story is funny hahaha lols
Hope u have a wonderful, wonderful new year and I am looking forward to see that beautiful smile of yours!
extremely beautiful smiles that express the volume of fun you had for a delightful New Year Celebration...
so fun!!! happy new year hun!
FELIZ AÑO ^^ disfruta de este 2009 que venga lleno de alegrias y buenos momentos como el de nochevieja :-)
Un beso!
it looks so funny :D
haha those photos are great! =) you looked like you were having loads of fun! gosh how cold did it actually get? am sure the mass of bodies all around helped to generate some warmth and excitement! that's such an interesting concept - riding that bike to generate power for the ball drop. Were there a ton of people in line for it? happy new year!
We all owe you a hearty thank you! Also: I love those coy Charmin bears, so demure in with their 'holding it in'
ny is the best place on earth...or america :) x
thanks for sharing your favorite things! i agree, and especially love the sipping hot chocolate by the fireside...i make excuses to do it year round! happy new year :)
hola wapa!
gracias por pasar por mi blog, me ha encantado conocer el tuyo!! asi que ahora mismo te agrego a mis enlaces para pasarme a menudo por aquí ;)
un besito y happy 2009!
haha i think i'll check out twitter sometime, i have a feeling i'm going to get sucked in and never want to leave if i do though:X
so pretty and cute! looks like you had such a blast on new year, great memories for sure!
You look so adorable ! & look like you gave alot of fun :) Happy new year!
happy new year!! charmin reminds me of my name.. HAhahhahhaa.. people call me that all the time!
Estas nominada a un meme!!! Mira mi blog!!!
I want to go to Times Square! Lucky girl, looks like so much fun :D
happy new year! i hope your holidays were wonderful and i wish you the best in 2009! :)
hola! feliz año a ti tambien! :D
Estabas en NY? que suerte! :O
O es que vives alli??
un beso!
I'm sooo incredibly jealous (wink wink)... bet you had an amazing time!!!
Wow, that is so bizarre and ingenious at the same time!!
I loved your christmas post too - the look was very luxe, reminded me of something worthy of Chanel!
:O you lucky lucky girl! i have always wanted to celebrate New Years in times square. but instead i have to suffice with downtown chicago... =\
You look so adorable. And that is so cool about the balldrop :D
que genial lo de pedalear para aportar energia :)
Impresionante, bonita forma de aportar energía. Me han gustado mucho tus fotos y tus botas rosas!
Un besito y feliz año!
A mí también me encantaría ir a Tokyo, ¡tiene que ser espectacular!
Aunque pasar el fin de año en NYC no está nada mal, ya me gustaría a mí :)
Un besito
this is in response to the comment your left on my blog asking me about why i no longer shop at wal-mart:
i guess i feel like walmart relies to heavily on imported products rather than american made products. i also have heard from people i know who have been walmart employees that they are a very unsupportive and uncaring environment to work for. i also try to avoid getting everything all from the same place. (ie if i need bread, i'll go to a bakery, fruits and veggies from a farmer's market, make-up from a make-up counter, etc)
in other news:
i am so jealous you got to ring in the new year in NYC!
these pictures are cracking me up haha
congrats on helping provide energy for welcoming the new year ;p
FELIZ AÑO para tí tb!! ¿hacía mucho frío, verdad? como te veo tan abrigadita!! besos guapa!!
seems you had not yet returned from celebrations....
queme hubiera gustado estar ahí!!! guay!!!!!!!!!! :))))))
Such fun photos!
Tengo nueva dirección para mi blog, la añades en tus links?
Y pásate a descubrirlo!!
preciosas las fotos se te ve muy feliz!
Wow! You did have a great time!
Hope you have an amazing year!!!
ha. i got a kick out of your photos.
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