I'm Angela, a sixteen year old new yorker who is obsessed with fashion, learning, and writing. I've been an avid fashion-blog reader for about 2 years now, and its taken me this long to actually get it together to create my own blog. Late bloomer, anyone?
Since I was about six years young, (this according to my mother) I always had a fondness for fashion.
There are pictures to prove this, I assure you...
I always loved accessorizing and piling on chunky necklaces, trying on my mom's huge heels on my tiny size 2 feet, painting my little lips with mommy's Chanel lipstick (i learned from her that an expensive purchase shall be made when it is towards something essential; something you know you will be using.)
I kind of forgot about fashion as I was going through my akward middle school phases, and as I became obsessed with those horribly cute famous tween lines such as limited 2 and even mk&a's own walmart line. (i only wish that know i had the economic funds to purchase something from their current line, The Row.)
Yet the summer before beginnning high school my love for fashion and dressing up emerged after a much hidden existence. Since then fashion has always had a deep rooted position in my heart.
This blog is intended to document my daily duds, share my newest adquisitions, stores i like, what inspires me... etcetera!
Being that I am bilingual (my family's from Spain; we travel there every summer for 2 months and that's had a deep impact on who I am today, and heck, even how I dress...European fashion is so amazing) So I really would love to try and have this blog be in Spanish as well. Aside from this, I have an immense passion for the french language. This being my fifth year in French, I will try to even (this might be a stretch) self-translate my blogs to french.
So since today I am sick with a sinus infection, rolled up in

Dress/vestido/robe: gift from grandma
jacket/chaquetita/pull-over: tracy m
belt/cinturon/ceinture: grandma's
bracelets/pulseras/braceletes: charlotte rousse, self made
ring/anillo/?: gift
earrings/pendientes/boucles d'oreilles: chanel
kitten heels/tacones/chaussures: liz clairborne
SPANISH: Hola a todo el mundo "bloggero!" Me llamo Angela y soy una fiel amante a todo lo que tenga que ver con el mundo de la moda. Desde que era una peque (y esto, segun mi madre) siempre fui muy coqueta en cuanto tenia que vestirme. Me encantaba pintarme los labios, ponerme los tacones (entonces para mi, gigantescos) de mi madre, y ponerme un monton de collares para terminar mi "look" un tanto muy juvenil, jaja.
Principalmente, he creado este blog para poder documentar mi vestimienta a diario, ensenar lo que me inspira, etc.
Hoy, como estoy malilla con sinusitis, (ainss, que penuriiiaaa!!) pues os enseno una foto de este pasado verano en Espana.
FRENCH: Bonjour a tout le monde "blogger"! Je m'appelle Angela et je suis une fille qui adore beacoup la mode.
puisque j'étais petit j'aimé la mode. J'ai créé ce blog afin de montre mes inspirations, mes vetements, etc.
Pour la raison qui aujourd'hui je suis un peu malade avec sinusits, je vous montrez un photo de cet été quand j'étais en Espagne.
((Pardonne-moi pour tous les accents absents et erreurs grammaticales !))
I love your style!
Hello hello!
Just curious to know:
How old are you?
Are you Spanish and learning French or just a natural genius?
You're adorable. I admire that you've found a style for you :)
Keep it up!
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