Spain. The place where I've spent my summers for the past.....16 years of my life.
I love it, I love the people there, I love the fashion, I love the lifestyle, I love the.....well, you get the point.

Today as I was reminiscing about this past summer spent in my ancestral land I remembered all the wonderful, summery outfits I had put together. There is inspiration all around, thus, I was never caught wearing the same thing twice. You just can't repeat a "tenue".... you are constantly receiving such good vibes and grasping inspiration from the landscapes, the cities, "la gente"....that you are always brainstorming and coming up with new things to wear. Easily, too!
Keep in mind Spain is also a place of merriment. There are always parties being thrown, events occuring, and major chances to dress up; something I love to do.
So here is an outfit I wore this past summer in Galicia, going out for a par-tay.

Dress/Vestido/Robe: gift
Jacket/Chaqueta/veste: gift from grandma
Earrings/Pendientes/Boucles d'oreilles: Chanel
Shoes/Zapatos/Chaussures: Liz Clairborne

Above, Liz Clairborne wedges.
Note: From my past Liz Clairborne shoe purchases, I've come to learn that, there is simply no comparison when it comes to feet comfort in Liz Clairborne shoes. Whether it's her heels, wedges, flats...the comfort level is MAXIMUM. I've danced for 4 hours in one of my Liz heels, and at the end of the night, I felt that I could still have danced some 4 hours more in her wonderful shoes. So if you're looking into buying some beautiful shoes and want comfort assured; don't think about it twice and invest in some beautiful and timeless LC shoewear.

Grandma and I. Mi abuela y yo. Ma grandmere et moi. She is where I get my style genes from. From her, I get my "woeful" shopaholic tendencies from. We borrow eachother's clothes, shop till we drop together, and have "serious" fashion talks.
(Seriously, I have the most modern, well-dressed grandmother in the UNIVERSE!)
SPANISH: España. El pais donde he pasado mis ultimos 16 veranos de vida. Amo el pais, amo la gente, amo el estilo de vida....bueno, ya os dais cuenta...amo todo que tenga que ver con mi España querida del almaaaaa. Hoy al recordarme de los bonitos momentos pasados este verano en mi pais ancestral, tambien me acorde de todos los conjuntos de ropa que habia creado. Es que, es imposible repetir conjunto de ropa cuando en tu entorno alla tanta fuente de inspiracion! Las preciosas vistas, maravillosas ciudades, tanta gente estilosa....
Ademas de eso, España es un sitio donde siempre hay algun "fiestorro" occuriendo, y con esto, una escusa magnifica para una ponerse "toa" guapaa!
Aqui, una foto de este pasado verano en Galicia, antes de acudir a una fiesta.
FRENCH: L'Espagne. Le pays où j'ai passé les derniers 16 étés de ma vie. J'aime le pays, j'aime le gente, j'aime l'estile de vie. Aujourd'hui, pendant que je me rappelais cet été passé en Espagne, je me suis également rappelé des toutes mes tenues. C'etait vraiment impossible de répéter une tenue, Il y a d'inspiration pour tous!! Les beaux paysages, les villes merveilleuses....
Aussi, l'Espagne a beaucoup des fetes. Elle offre beaucoup d'événements, qui j'aime parce-que je me peux habillé!
En cette photo je suis dans Galicia, je suis allé à un "boom."