So with Spring Break just one day away, all I can do is eagerly await and create this awesome little adventures in my head of what I'll be doing soon on those awesome islands!
Saturday morning I head to the NYC dock to embark on my marvelous cruise to the Bahamas!!

I am currently putting the finishing touches on my luggage and anxiously awaiting for the sun, the sand, the joy and the excitement to come my way!!

Firstly, we make our port of call in Orlando, Florida. Most people have scheduled to go Disney World, NASA, but since my family and I have already been to all those places we're just gonna chill on the beach and relax. Wahoo! After that we'll be hittin' up various islands like Nassau and Grand Bahama Island among some.

I just can't wait!! All my friends who have been to the Bahamas and have been cruisin' tell me how absolutely, amazingly fun it is and I am just.SO.ECSTATIC!

I am so excited.
I CAN'T WAIT!!!! It's funny how most people are dying to come to new york, and i'm dying to get out! Tropical islands, here i come!

cardigan,jersey: gift
white tee, camiseta,chemise: ralph lauren
jeans, vaqueros: levis
necklace, collar, colliere: h&m
scarf, panuelo, echarpe: vintage
bracelet,pulsera: h&m
sunglasses, gafas, lunettes de soleil: rayban wayfarers
flip flops, sandalias, chaussures: ralph lauren
Saturday morning I head to the NYC dock to embark on my marvelous cruise to the Bahamas!!

I am currently putting the finishing touches on my luggage and anxiously awaiting for the sun, the sand, the joy and the excitement to come my way!!

Firstly, we make our port of call in Orlando, Florida. Most people have scheduled to go Disney World, NASA, but since my family and I have already been to all those places we're just gonna chill on the beach and relax. Wahoo! After that we'll be hittin' up various islands like Nassau and Grand Bahama Island among some.

I just can't wait!! All my friends who have been to the Bahamas and have been cruisin' tell me how absolutely, amazingly fun it is and I am just.SO.ECSTATIC!

I am so excited.
I CAN'T WAIT!!!! It's funny how most people are dying to come to new york, and i'm dying to get out! Tropical islands, here i come!

cardigan,jersey: gift
white tee, camiseta,chemise: ralph lauren
jeans, vaqueros: levis
necklace, collar, colliere: h&m
scarf, panuelo, echarpe: vintage
bracelet,pulsera: h&m
sunglasses, gafas, lunettes de soleil: rayban wayfarers
flip flops, sandalias, chaussures: ralph lauren
SPANISH: Este sabado salgo del puerto de manhattan en un crucero hacia las bahamas!! Estoy super contenta y ansiosa de que llegue el sabado! Es gracioso que todo el mundo quiere venir a nueva york y yo solo quiero salir de aqui! Aqui vengooo islas tropicales!
FRENCH: Cet Samedi je partirais a les bahamas dans un croisiere! Je suis vraiment contente!! C'est rigolo comme tous les monde a le desir de venir a New York, mais j'ai voudrais sortir a autre parte du monde!
OH MY GOD! you speak spanish very good! whyyy??? I only speak a little bit of english... I never been to USA...BUT! I'm going to Providence and Boston on 21 of april! I'm so excited!
La verdad es que no hablo el inglés muy bien, verdaD?
Estoy estudiando primero de Turismo and Hospitality managment, así que tendre que dominar el inglés en breves!! jeje
Well darling I miss you a lot when I stay in Scotland, but I know that when we come back we have a lot of differents pictures to put here, in blog!:D
have a good time in Bahamas, If you want I change your place and I can go to New York and you come to Barcelona! jeje
XOXO sweetie!:)
Vaya popurri más bueno...!! vives en Nueva York y te vas de viaje a las Bahamas..!!!!! Madre mia..!! que nos quieres poner?? los dientes largos?? ja aj aja
Pues nada..! disfruta mucho y haz muchas fotos!!!
Pero eres española??
thank you very much for your comment honey :)
and my closet really isn't enormous! haha, I wish it was!! all those skirts are from american apparel, and I have 3 and I basically mix and match them with everything!! lol.
you look lovely...I loveee your sunmglasses!
have fun in barbados - very jealous!!!
Que suerte a las Bahamas !! esperare ansiosa la actualizacion de las preciosas islas !! Yo estuve en New York hace dos años y me enamore de la ciudad !!
Un beso guapa !!
that is a gorgeous scarf! and cute pictures!
i only worked up the courage to shred my tshirt because there was a gaping hole on the breast part of the shirt so i was like... why not? haha.
The scarf is amazing ! I love your poses too :D
a trip to the Bahamas sounds amazing! love your outift, the scarf is so pretty :)s
dusfruta de tus vacaciones!! seguro que será estupendo, luego nos enseñarás las fotos??
Pásalo bien, un beso!!
Yo también quiero ir a las Bahamas, ¡qué envidia! Pásalo genial :)
Un besote
PD. Me encanta tu foular
hope you have a fabulous time in the bahamas! i'm so jealous!
Hope you have a fun trip!! I love that blue jacket and the blue suspenders.. :) I have a pair of blue suspenders, too, but I have yet to wear them, lol!
Safe travels.
omg i would love to go to the bahamas now and get away from this nasty coldness in canada! have fun lucky girl1
MAdre mia a las bahamas! eres una suertuda, jajaja,
un beso y a pasarlo de fabula!
pero qué wapisimaaaaa!!
I really like your blog!.. I love bahamas is awesome and the beach is perfect.
great style and wonderful pics!
The blue really suits you! I dont think I could pull it off. Love it love it love it. xxxx
que te lo pases muy bien, me das mucha envidia, qué estupendo ir al caribe, besos!!
Wow,here u have a fellow who is trulty jealous!
Was it good?
haha, you're adorable. love your style!
- frouu
I'm actually in love with that scarf. As well as the cardigan
thahah the last picture is so funny... the faces ... hahah :) nice
i love your blog.
exchange links?
love Lara
beautiful scarf and smile! i hope you have a wonderful vaca!
i'm in love with your scarf! so equestrian and dare i say Hermes like! ooh the Bahamas! so jealous! have fun, and btw, cute blog! would love for you to visit mine :-)
cute scarf, have a fabulous trip!
Acabo de llegar por casualidad a tu blog... me gusta mucho por cierto! =)
pásalo bien en Las Bahamas!
oye me encanta tu pañoleta, es muy bonita. Ei, y ocupo poco, si tienes hueco en una maleta yo me meto sin ningún problema, luego con que la maleta tenga ruedecitas pues me trasladas fácilmente, eh? eh? me llevas? me llevas? jejejeje.
Pásalo genial, saca muchas fotos y danos con ellas mucha envidiaaa!! jejeje, y de la mala eh! de la envidia mala malísima jejeje.
Un abrazooo!!!
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