bracelet.pulsera.bracelete: SO old i don't even remember
shirt.blusa.chemisier: WDNY
jacket.chaquetita.pullover: ZARA
ankle boots.botines.bottines:FRANCO SARTO
It was pretty funny to see how all of the teachers at my school are wearing half an inch to MAX one inch heels haaaha. Everyone kept telling me how surprised they were that I walked so well in such high heels.
And I'm always reading all these fashion blogs where the girls wear heels but then say that they took them off as soon as they got to school or something and then switched to flats... well, I wore heels ALL DAY LONG BABY. 10 hour day in heels! My feet are finally used to my wonderful heels! Yay!
My confidence level was at an all time high. Constant comlpliments on my attire made my heart flutter!
FRENCH:J'ai marché dans des mes talons de quatre pouces toute la journée. mes professeurs n'utilisent pas des talons cette haute. Elles utilisent des talons d'environ un pouce. haha! Cette image est de mercredi.J'ai un jour splendide dans cet vetements!!
SPANISH: Un dia perfecto en mi blusa nueva, mis vaqueros al estilo Katie Holmes, y mis tacones de cuatro inchas (alrededor de siete centimetros, supongo?) Ni las profes de mi escuela usan tacones tan alto jajaja verdaderamente era gracioso ver como andaban en taconcitos de como tres centimetros!
Tuve un dia super y he notado que cuando tengo una ropa puesta que me gusta mucho suelo tener el auto-estima mucho mas alto!
claro!! cuando sales con buen feeling de casa, el día suele ser perfecto!!
los tacones de 7 cm son geniales, pero cuando vuelves a casa...los pies..uff!q dolor!!
thanks for the comment beautiful girl.
ah. i love that you wore heels for 10 hours. score :)
have a beautiful week.
i love ruffles too.
To be completely honest, I never really liked the old 90210 (hides away in shame!) but the new one, seems more fun, relate-able (in an OC-like fashion, that is) and the acting is less campy than most.
xo/ fashion chalet
I live in Hawaii.
Y hablas tres idiomas!
That's cool :) It's triple work translating your blog so many times, kudos to you!
Wow, your outfit is really pretty! Love the boots!!
Greetings from Holland
:) Very nice blog, is really interesting and fabulous
Really nice!!!
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