Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Out for Coffee

  • wrap sweater;jersey;cardigan: clockhouse (C&A)
  • shirt;camiseta;chemise: ZARA
  • belt;cinturon;ceinture: LEVIS
  • scarf;panuelo;echarpe: gift/regalo/cadeu

A quick stop at Dunkin Donuts was much needed in order to satisfy my incredible craving for their delicious white hot chocolate. And I also just really like the smell of coffee shops. It's soothing and relaxing, apres moi.

I just quickly pulled this outfit together and walked out the door!

SPANISH: Tenia unos antojos increibles por tomar uno de mis cafes favorito; sellama el "chocolate blanco" de dunkin donuts; un conocido sitio para tomar cafe americano. Me apetecia mogollon, y tambien es que me encanta el olor a cafe. Me relaja muchisimo, no se yo por que! Y bueno, en fin, este fue lo que me puse para salir por la puerta y satisfacer mi antojo por un cafecito!

FRENCH: J'ai envie pour un cafe qui s'appelle "chocolat blanc" de Dunkin Donuts et ca c'est le tenue qui je m'habille pour aller a acheter un cafe pour moi!




Monday, October 27, 2008

A beautiful autumn day

Today definitely was not one of those autumn days were it is absolutely necessary to bundle up. I could actually stay outside for a while in just this short sleeved cardigan just fine. It was absolutely perfect.

I really hate the wind, seeing how it's quickening up the process of the leaves falling out of the trees is just so sad. The leaves look absolutely beautiful and there's nothing I hate more about trees then when they're naked! I love them to be adorned in their beautiful multi-colored leaves.

cardigan: primark
shirt;chemise;camiseta: h&m
jeans;vaqueros: x2
belt;ceinture;cinturon: vintage
bracelets;pulseras: self made, h&m, disney world
necklace;collar;collier: vintage
shoes;chaussures; zapatos: born

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Autumn decorations rule

UGH, the jacket wrinkles at the pockets when I sit down. So not aesthetically pleasing, I know. I promise that's not belly bulge haha.

Me encanta esta chaqueta roja con toques de leopardo pero cada vez que me siento se arruga en los bolsilllos y me hace parecer que tengo michelines! Ahh!

J'aime cette veste mais elle ride aux poches et m'incite à sembler gros! Arrgg!
  • jacket.chaqueta.pullover: carole little
  • belt.cinturon.ceinture: vintage
  • pants.pantalones.pantalons:bershka
  • purse.bolso.sac: mom's

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Angela Zoe?

Perfect Friday. I felt beautiful and feminine...and a bit like my my fashion idol, Rachel Zoe. Between the curled hair with the two strands pulled back, a gloriouslywarm faux fur jacket, an oversized ring, and a vintage designer bag (FURLA!) not to mention the fact that I went around high end designer shops... I felt amazing.

My mom and I did a little shopping in upstate New York. It was a beautiful evening. One woman at the UGG store asked my mom and I if were were sisters!! Haha! And she was like, "You too are so unbelievably beautiful, and you both have SUCH great skin!" We were both very flattered, what can we say? The woman complimenting us was super adorable and we thanked her and told her she was too cute!

jacket.chaqueta.pullover: JONES NEW YORK
cashmere sweater.jersey de cachemire.chandail de cachemire.DAD'S!
jeans.vaqueros: LEVIS
boots.botas.bottes: BORN
ring.anillo.anneau: H&M (from like 4 years ago)

I love autumn.

When I walked into Chanel one girl who worked there had the CUTESTTTTT black button-up cardigan with a chanel emblem on it. I fell in love with it. I asked her if it was for sale, yet to my luck it was actually their UNIFORM!! So then (of course) I asked them what criteria they looked at in order to work at Chanel. (I've always wanted to work there actually, so now I just have more of a reason to cause I want that super cute uniform!)

SPANISH: Un dia de compras magnifico! Me senti como rachel zoe. No se si la conocerais pero es una estilista americana super famosa que suele llevar el pelo ondulado con dos trozos pa' tras, gigantescas chaquetas de piel, anillos y gafas de sol maxi, y suele pasearse por las tiendas mas caras y reconocidas. Habia mogollon de espanoles comprando cosas de marca como locos y claro lo menos que se creian es que mi madre y yo los entendiamos y mimadre y yo nos partiamos de la risa con las cosas que decian! Un dia perfecto para terminar la semana. Me senti super femenina. Y una mujer se nos acerco a mi madre y a mi y nos pregunto si eramos hermanas!!!! Jajaja! Despues nos dijo que eramos guapisimas y que teniamos un cutis super fino. Nosotras encantadisimas, claro! Nos lo pasamos fenomenal!

FRENCH: Vedredi était un jour des achats. Je me suis senti beau et féminin. ma maman et moi sommes allées à beaucoup de magasins et avons acheté deux ou trois choses. J'ai eu un jour splendide ! dans un magasin un femme a demandé à ma maman et moi si nous étions soeurs ! Alors elle nous a dit que nous étions très beaux et que nous avons eu beaux peau!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Teal Houndstooth

jacket. veste. chaqueta: vintage
blouse. chemisier. blusa: anne carson
pin. goupille. pin: betsey johnson
earrings. boucles d'oreilles. pendientes: chanel
belt. ceinture. cinturon: vintage
necklace. collier. collar: gift from grandma
pants. pantalons. pantalones: bershka
heels. talons hautes. tacones: liz clairborne

My Chem teacher asked me today if I was in theatre, was an aspring actress, or did something creative of that sort. I told him no, and asked him why. I was surprised by this question of his because this is definitely not the first time someone has asked me if I was involved in the theatre-arts.

He was surprised that I wasn't involved in that sort of artsy stuff and said he was compelled to ask me because since I am "so creative with my outfits" and "dress so sophisticated" that he thought I would be involved in those things. Because, according to him, people in that field express themselves a lot through clothing. Hahah. I'm not saying it is not true, I just laugh at the fact that my sixty-something old chemistry teacher was complimenting my fashions and lecturing me on what aspiring actors wear.

Believe it or not, his question and answer basically fulfilled the remainder of my day. It also showed me that guys/men/even creepy male teachers do take notice of your vestiment. And here I was thinking guys never took notice of these fashion-y things!

Me sorprendio muchiiisimo cuando mi profesor de quimica me pregunto si estaba involucrada en el teatro o si en mi futuro entraba la idea de ser actriz. Me sorprendio tanto su pregunta porque no es la primera vez que alguien me pregunta si quiero ser actriz/o si formo parte del teatro de mi escuela. Cuando le respondi que no, y que porque creia que yo formaba parte del mundo del teatro me respondio diciendo que, como visto tan "elegante" y soy "tan creativa con mi vestimienta" que creia que seria una actriz. Segun el, la gente creativa se expresa mucho con lo que llevan puesto. Jajajaja. No digo que no sea verdad, solo que me sorprende que mi profesor de quimica (que anda por los sesenta y algo
años )....
me este diciendo que visto muy bien y me este dando una leccion sobre como visten los actores.
Pero despues de todo eso su pregunta y respuesta me pusieron de muy buen humor. Los piropos tienen ese tipo de efecto! Tambien me abrio mucho los ojos de que los chicos/hombres/hasta los profes....
se dan cuenta de tu vestimienta! Y aqui estaba yo pensando que los chicos nunca daban importancia a la ropa que llevamos las chicas!!
Aujourd'hui mon prof de chimie demandé me si j'étais une actrice. ou si j'agissais dans le théâtre d'école. J'ai été étonné par sa question parce qu'elle n'est pas la première fois quelqu'un me demande ceci.
Je lui ai répondu non, et lui ai demandé pourquoi. Il a dit il était parce que j'ai habillé belle
cela et j'habille si sophistiqué qu'il a pensé que je pourrais être une actrice. Il a dit que les acteurs s'expriment habituellement beaucoup par l'habillement. Hahaha. Je ne dis pas qui n'est pas vrai, il me fait rire que mon professeur de chimie (qui avait soixante quelque chose années)
pense que je m'habille bien et qu'il a donné m'à une leçon sur la façon dont les acteurs s'habillent ! Haha!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Turqoise Pearl & Pink Pucci

Two pretty clean-cut outfits. Sometimes simplicity is necessary. As much as I love over accessorizing and mixing compliments, and scarfs, and quirky shoes.... you gotta take a break every now and then just uncomplicate yourself.

First picture from last week. Second picture from today :)

jacket/chaqueta/cardigan: tracy m
shirt/camiseta/chemise: primark
scarf/pañuelo/écharpe: gift
jeans/vaqueros/jeans: prescribed
bracelets/pulseras/bracelets: walt disney world, target, 2 gold ones are from grandma (says my name on it!!)

cardigan: h&m

blouse.blusa.chemisier: gift from mom

jeans.vaqueros.jeans: presribed

flats.zapatos.chaussures: spain

belt. cinturon. ceinture: gift from grandma!

My brother likes to take pictures of me whilst I am talking/unaware/and looking out the window at squirrels. Not embarassing or


Las fotos de arriba son de dos dias cuando opte por una vestimienta simple y sobria. De vez en cuando hay que tomar un dia de descanso y no ponerte tantas cosas encima. La simplicidad es bella. Y aunque me encaaaante vestirme con mogollon de collares y tacones superaltos y etc... se siente bien ir con vestimienta incomplicada de vez en cuando :)


De temps en temps...

Il est bon de s'habiller simplement. Autant que j'aime habiller avec beaucoup de colliers et bracelets et hauts talons ..... un tenue simpliste de temps à autre est bon.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ruffled Romance

Plum colored rufffled blouse. Turquoise belt. New wide leg jeans and Franco Sarto four inch could Wednesday not have been a perfect day??
belt.cinturon.ceinture: vintage

bracelet.pulsera.bracelete: SO old i don't even remember

shirt.blusa.chemisier: WDNY

jacket.chaquetita.pullover: ZARA

jeans.vaqueros.jeans: X2

ankle boots.botines.bottines:FRANCO SARTO

It was pretty funny to see how all of the teachers at my school are wearing half an inch to MAX one inch heels haaaha. Everyone kept telling me how surprised they were that I walked so well in such high heels.

And I'm always reading all these fashion blogs where the girls wear heels but then say that they took them off as soon as they got to school or something and then switched to flats... well, I wore heels ALL DAY LONG BABY. 10 hour day in heels! My feet are finally used to my wonderful heels! Yay!

My confidence level was at an all time high. Constant comlpliments on my attire made my heart flutter!

FRENCH:J'ai marché dans des mes talons de quatre pouces toute la journée. mes professeurs n'utilisent pas des talons cette haute. Elles utilisent des talons d'environ un pouce. haha! Cette image est de mercredi.J'ai un jour splendide dans cet vetements!!

SPANISH: Un dia perfecto en mi blusa nueva, mis vaqueros al estilo Katie Holmes, y mis tacones de cuatro inchas (alrededor de siete centimetros, supongo?) Ni las profes de mi escuela usan tacones tan alto jajaja verdaderamente era gracioso ver como andaban en taconcitos de como tres centimetros!
Tuve un dia super y he notado que cuando tengo una ropa puesta que me gusta mucho suelo tener el auto-estima mucho mas alto!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Shopping Sunday

Went shopping today, slyly borrowed my mom's Louis Vuitton purse (which she usually has on lockdown when it comes to my designer-lovin' fingers!), NEARLY got in a fender bender and as a cause of that almost gave my mom a heartattack and an aneurysm all in one.

Besides all the driving and store-hopping that went on, I purchased a few lovely things. 2 new jeans: one wide legged, another bootcut, and a very cute ruffled plum-colored blouse.

sweater/jersey/cardigan: h&m madrid

white shirt/camisa blanca/chemise blanc: h&m madrid

jeans/vaqueros/jeans: levis

belt/cinturon/ceinture: vintage

earrings/pendientes/boucles d'oreilles: chanel

sunglasses/gafas de sol/ lunettes de soleil: rayban wayfarers (mom's from the 80s!!!)

purse/bolso/sac: louis vuitton

shoes/zapatos/chaussures: primark (i'm wearing these shoes wayyy too much lately... it's not my fault they're so versatile!!)

TODAY'S PURCHASE: (besides the 2 jeans) plum colored ruffled blouse!

I plan to wear it like this: (belted, of course) in order to outline the ruffles more.


SPANISH: Hoy fue un domingo de compras....como no? Me compre dos vaqueros: unos de extra-campana ( pensad en los que lleva tanto Katie Holmes.) y otros "boot cut" (de pierna recta.) Y una preciosa blusa que veis arriba. Ayyy que bien viene ir de compras de vez en cuando. Las cosas nuevas me ponen de tan buen humor! Y lo mejor...llegar a casa y probartelo todo trescientas mil veces!!!!


FRENCH:Aujourd'hui était un jour des achats ! J'acheté deux nouveaux jeans et un beau chemisier. J'aime faire des emplettes ! ! J'adore arrivé chez moi et essayer tous mes nouveaux adquisitions d'achats! C'est une de les meilleurs choses de monde!! Haha!

**Diana y Paula me nominaron para hacer este meme:/I was nominated by Diana y Paula to do this meme/J'ai été nommé pour faire ce meme:

Las reglas/The Rules/Règles:

- Enlazar a la persona que os invita/Mention the person who nominated you/mentionner la personne qui vous a nommé

-Enumerar seis cosas sin importancia que os hagan felices/List 6 unimportant things that make you happy/List 6 Choses sans importance qui vous rendent heureux

- Hacer constar las reglas/State the rules/Mentionner les regles

- Elegir a seis personas que continúen con el desafío/Pick six persons to do this/Choisi 6 personnes pour faire ceci!

- Avisarles con un comentario en su blog/Notify them with a comment on their blog/les informer avec un commentaire sur leur blog

Things that make me happy/Cosas que me hacen feliz/choses qui me rendent heureux:

1) Shopping! Ir de compras! Faire les magasins!

2) Having readers/commenters on this blog! Thank youuuuu!!! Tener lectores que me dejan comentarios en este blog! Gracias!!! Avoir des lecteurs/commentors sur ce blog! Merci!!!!

3) Beautiful days. Dias con buen tiempo. Un jour de beau temps!

4) Receiving an unexpected phonecall from a friend. Recibir una llamada inesperada de un amigo/amiga. Recevoir un appel téléphonique inattendu d'un ami

5) Fresh coat of nail polish. Uñas recien pintadas. Vernis à ongles nouvellement appliqué.

6) The cold side of my pillow. El lado frio de mi almohada. Le côté froid de mon oreiller.

I tag/ Nomino a/ Je nominne a:

Saturday, October 11, 2008

September School Outfits: 1st day

above: BRO AND I. Mi hermano y yo. Mon frere et moi. :)

Back in September I didn't have a blog and thus wasn't able to showcase my outfits to you lovely people. So now I'm going back one month in time to show you lovelies all my previous september outfits!

Man, do I love first days of schools and the night before that is spent anxiously and precariously planning out outfits for the important day and the fun-filled days following. I just live for first days of school.

SPANISH: En Septiembre no tenia un blog para poder mostraros mi vestimienta a diario. Entonces, ahora he retrocedido en el tiempo (aproximadamente un mes) para poder hacer justo esto. He aqui la ropa que vesti el primer dia de escuela! Como me encantan los primeros dias de escuela....!


FRENCH: Ca fait un mois, je n'ai pas eu une blog pour vous montrer mes vetements quotidiens. Alors, je vous montrer mes tenues à partir de septembre! Ca c'est le premier jour de l'ecole!

pre-summer outfit

Polka Dots was clearly the inspiration for that almost-summer day back in, say, early June 08?

Friday, October 10, 2008

love it when a celebrity wears something i own

I absolutely HATE IT when someone closeby (at my school, on the street, anywhere-near-me) wears something I own. And although it rarely ever happens because I don't shop at very common places..... and if I do it's some popular store in Europe, but since I live in the States it's foreign to everyone here....
When it does occur that somebody owns something I myself own (a scarf, a shoe, ANYTHING) I just hate it!
Although I get a different feeling when I see a celebrity prancing around the streets of London (okay, anywhere, really) with something I have in my closet. While I was (obsessively!) checking out old WhoWhatWear archives, I came across this picture and forced myself to take a double look.
PEACHES GELDOF (1st girl in the picture) strutting around in my very own Primark shoes!!! Not only is her dress from the popular, cheapandchic european store, but her shoes are as well...I should know, I bought my pair there!

My shoes, (worn in last post) : primark

Peaches picture: courtesy of

SPANISH: Amo cuando una celebrity lleva puesto algo que yo tengo!

FRENCH: J'aime quand un celebrity s'habille avec un vetement qui j'avais aussi!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

a dash of yellow gold

a nice fall day today. breezy yet sunny with a comfortable 67 degrees....71 tomorrow!!! so in this quickly alternating and awkward transitioning of seasons I decided to try for the first time: the tights and shorts combination. i gave these beautiful, versatile h&m shorts one last hurrah! before packing them away till next spring. paired with some sheer black tights to keep the bottom portion simmered down. a ruffled yellow shirt.... and some precious gold accessories I tied the entire look together.

detailing of ezra fitch cashmere sweater and primark yellow ruffle shirt

obsessed with anything nautical

shirt/camiseta/chemise: primark
cashmere sweater/jersey/pullover: ezra fitch (a&f)
shorts/pantalones cortos/pantalons: H&M
bracelet/pulsera/bracelete: gift from mommy
headband/diadema/diademe: h&m
ballet flats/bailarinas/chaussures: primark
earrings/pendientes/boucles d'oreilles: chanel

SPANISH: El periodo de la transicion entre el verano y el otono nunca es facil de conllevar, y hoy hoy trate de usar una prenda de verano por ultima vez hasta la proxima primavera. Hizo un dia perfecto para esta llevar medias con pantalones cortos y por la primera vez, prove la combinacion de ambas prendas juntas...el resultado? me encanto!

FRENCH: Il y a des temps de change et pendant que le feuilles changent des couleures je m'habille avec vetements qui sont de l'ete et de l'automne. Aujourd'hui c'est le jour parfait por ma tenue, et j'aime l'automneee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

a pop of red

Apres checking yesterday night and seeing how extreme the temperatures were going to drop today (with frost alert from 3-9 in the morning!) I immediately thought of only exceptionally warm and cozy clothes.

Bundling up was my main priority and as I was sifting through hangers worth of cardigans and sweatshirts I came across this favorite of mine that my grandma bought me last year in December. The adjustable neck comes in super handy in case of emergency to act as a scarf for my neck and ears; and the tie makes it form fitting. All in all, I LOVE. One of my favorite pieces of warm sweaters.

cardigan/jersey/cardigan: gift from grandma, regalo de mi abuela, cadeau de ma grandmere
shirt/camiseta/chemise: primark
jeans/vaqueros/pantalons: bongo
shoes/zapatos/chaussures: ??
earrings/pendientes/boucles d'oreilles: chanel
watch/reloj/montre: guess
ring/anillo: gift

I'm an awesome jumper. Aaaand, I can do splits in mid-air. True story, folks.

SPANISH: Bajaron las temperaturas y con esa excusa pude sacar este jersey (un favorito mio por lo abrigado y comodo que es) del armario....finalmente! Es tan versatil que siempre se siente como que voy a embarcar en una nueva aventura en cuanto pienso con que ponermelo. Prendas asi son las que de verdad merecen la pena comprar!!

FRENCH: Il y'avait froid et pour cette raison je peux m'habiller avec vetements qui sont tres confortable et...chaud :P